As you go through life people will tell you all sort of things. Some of the things you will accept as good advice and some of the things you will think of as being not so good. But one of the ways to learn a lot about yourself is to think deeply about why these topics got you worked up to the point of wanting to “bury” you fathers friend. If you disagree fine, simply move on or have a conversation and tell him why you disagree. If you are getting upset about these things there is a great learning opportunity somewhere if you think deeply enough about these topics.
If you are getting upset. My intention to write about this incident wasn't about only showing that I was upset. Instead, I was so glad to see my father's reaction and how he handled all of that.
TBH, This is just common in India. You may find every other older man and woman suggesting youngers on issues they know nothing about. To the question if I was upset. Yes, when he attached Bitcoin to Criminals!
Why does that upset you if you know it isn’t true? Why couldn’t you calmly state the facts and reasons supporting your view? That’s the question you need to ask yourself.