How many folks were at the meetup?
Seven. It wasn't as structured an event as last time. More informal and the conversation developed organically. I'm not sure if the feeling is mutual, but I feel like these guys are becoming friends. We are planning to carpool to different events a bit further away in the next few months. There's a lot going on. It's a good network. I'm not sure if that's only because New York City is so big. I wonder if people are seeing this elsewhere?
I should try to coordinate something in my area. I could of course find a meet up in Toronto but that's 2 hours away and there is one for cottage country but they meet about 1.5 hours away from me.
I think I could round up a few people. The guys at walmart I give bitcoin tips to. My neighbour who I am working on orange pilling. Even if we only have a few to start.
It really doesn't take many people. 7 seemed like a good number to me. Any more and then everyone isn't included in the conversation.
It’s good that you’re making new friends! Serves as a balance to your existing ones whom you’re kinda trying to orange pill / dissuade from making bad choices when given the chance
Very true. It's a big contrast. There was a depressing nostr note a week or so ago about a guy who was giving up his friends because he couldn't relate to non bitcoiners/nostriches any more. He didn't enjoy spending time with normies. I'm glad I'm nowhere near that point.
7 is a good number. The meetups in Los Angeles are too big. Like a mini convention. Everyone is trying to sell their company or trying to get hired.