Paradise Now
Enjoy my movie review: Paradise Now explores the motivations of two Palestinians Said and Khaled to become suicide bombers as a form of protest against the occupation by Israel. stripped bare, it reveals how desperate one can get if he feels oppressed and impotent and wants to do something-anything-to redeem himself and make a statement. i liked how a change of heart is sensitively and plausibly protrayed after their separation from their handlers. Khaled (the man in the car), who was more determined initially, began to have second thoughts and questioned the worth of their act. He didn't follow through his suicide bombing act.
On the other hand, the initially more hesitant Said became more resolute. The movie ends with him sitting in a bus full with Israeli soldiers and the viewer is held in suspense as all sorts of questions gush over his mind. will he detonate himself? could he change his mind? will i see the explosion? what is he thinking? and while you are willing that you won't be seeing anything awful, the camera slowly moves up closer so that Said's eyes become the focus of the screen.
Amazing! This will be my 2nd or this movie in the new list!