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0 sats \ 13 replies \ @Undisciplined 19 Aug 2024 \ parent \ on: Ceasefire Collapse: Netanyahu Faces Backlash Over Gaza Talks news
Your words, not mine.
Yes, submission means ceasing aggression i.e. unprovoked premeditated killing of Jews. Or is that something you support?
Ok, so you do advocate the slaughter of children. I don't see how I mischaracterized your view then.
I take the radical view that killing innocent people is wrong, despite your lazy and predictable inuendo that I'm antisemitic. Whereas you are taking the view that it's only wrong when done to Jews, but it's perfectly fine when done to Palestinians by Jews.
You see why this type of special pleading is unconvincing, right?
Are you some type of clown? I advocate self defense and eradication of terrorists coming to kill me. If the terrorists' children have to die to protect me and my own (because he uses them as tactical weapons) then so be it. I know this is in contrast to the leftist postmodern worldview that you seemingly espouse but my life takes precedence over those of my enemy. Their death is the consequence of my enemies' actions, not of mine. I have no interest or desire to see dead children as you seem to try to put in my mouth. Shame on you. Also, you couldn't even answer my simple questions and you resort to strawmen. I'm done
I'm not resorting to strawmen. You are advocating for the mass murder of innocent children. Whatever mental gymnastics you have to engage in to get to that position don't really interest me.
That you find it so triggering for someone to say it's wrong to kill children should be a wake up call.
I sincerely do hope you recover from this mental derangement. Good luck.
Oh goodness. The strawman is strong with you. You can keep your good luck.
I invite you to Israel. I'll take you to the west bank and Gaza. I'll let you experience first hand what we go through. Man enough to do it?
Challenging my manhood, insinuating I'm antisemitic, and calling me a postmodern leftist, all for maintaining that it's wrong to kill children. Yeah, you're definitely in a healthy place.
Historically, it's the bad guys who openly advocate ethnic cleansing and genocide, while referring to the people they don't like as animals and monsters.