"Bitcoin is not for the weak, only for the brave" is an absolute truth. And the reason is that they have numbed the brains of ordinary people so much that people still don't understand that the game is not to use Bitcoin to get more shitty dollars, but instead, to use the dollars you have and can get to get as many SATS as you can. But the system knows how to dominate the game, they brainwash you with the face value of the currency, and nobody explains to you how the method of accumulating wealth and energy really works, which ends up leaving you at the mercy of your local currency and those a little better understood take shelter in dollars. And above all, they deceive you with the supposed stability of the currency which only works on its face value, a 100 bill will always be 100! but it will not always have the power to buy 100. This last detail is the key, and ordinary people accustomed to seeing "stable" numbers go into total panic when they see the price of Bitcoin fluctuate. and price is the most important psychological factor when you first encounter Bitcoin and don't understand it yet.