I prefer cooperative games like that so if there are ways we can make that happen, I'm all for it. It's generally harder to make games work with external pieces, where something is happening outside of SN world, but I'm sure we can think of something.
I am going to give some more thought to this. I am pleased to see Ben has ramped up the social media game and is really pushing to have more AMAs.
I was telling Siggy that a good way to market SN is any time we post something from twitter, reddit, nostr, Youtube, substack etc, contact the author and let them know we posted their work on SN, how many sats the post earned and offer to send them the sats.
This is what I did with James Lavish to strike up the convo about maybe coming on for an AMA. I have tried it with a couple other people and it has not worked but I will happily take a 1/3 conversion rate.