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This is an experiment inspired by discussions and posts made by @Undisciplined, @elvismercury and others regarding evergreen content on SN. I’ll dig back into the past to try to locate some great posts that might be worth another read. I plan to make these posts every Tuesday.
Here are this week’s selections:
This is the First Stacker News Roundtable, hence the title. There is a ton of valuable content from some very talented people to absorb if you have the time. There is also a little disagreement, which tends to happen when you bring a whole bunch of passionate bitcoiners together. It may take a while to get through this, but I promise it will be worth it.
This is a personal favorite of mine. Although Stacker News hasn’t been around that long yet, I like looking back and taking an historical perspective. This post provides a window into the fundraising process, which many stackers might find useful in developing their own projects. Be sure to check out the pitch deck.
Since the post was so popular, there is a ton of interesting stuff in the 94 comments.
Comments and suggestions are welcome
k00b raised at a good time. Still in the bull market. Gave SN a nice runway.
The bull market was just tapering off. I probably wouldn't have timed it so well if kr didn't recommend it.
With our treasury strategy, the money has gone way farther than I would have imagined. But as I discussed with someone in Pleb Lab recently, it's not all good being free of raising more, because raising is part of the "startup PR lifecycle" as they called it.
What's your thought on SN and territories cooperative marketing.
For example. If I wanted the sports territory to advertise on a football podcast. I could have the copy read in such a way that promotes both SN and the sports territory.
Obviously any sort of marketing/ads promoting SN would need your approval first but maybe there is a way for territories to get out to their niche corners of the world and promote the site and the territory. SN could share in the cost by crediting back x amount of the territory fee per year to each territory for advertising and base the amount allocated on the territory rankings. So maybe the top 5 non SN territories get up to 20% of fee back for advertising/promotion.
I was talking with Undisciplined about how territory growth and SN growth, in my opinion need to be symbiotic, or else we could have one territory dominating most of the main page and the user experience for stackers who aren't interested in that territory would degrade. I think it is important to maintain a nice variety of types of posts on the main pages.
Anyways, this doesn't necessarily need to be a now thing. I think we all have a long way to go to exhaust the free advertising/referral marketing options we have available to us but it is something I would like to do in the future. Maybe it is something other territory owners would be interested in too.
This sounds a great idea!
I prefer cooperative games like that so if there are ways we can make that happen, I'm all for it. It's generally harder to make games work with external pieces, where something is happening outside of SN world, but I'm sure we can think of something.
I am going to give some more thought to this. I am pleased to see Ben has ramped up the social media game and is really pushing to have more AMAs.
I was telling Siggy that a good way to market SN is any time we post something from twitter, reddit, nostr, Youtube, substack etc, contact the author and let them know we posted their work on SN, how many sats the post earned and offer to send them the sats.
This is what I did with James Lavish to strike up the convo about maybe coming on for an AMA. I have tried it with a couple other people and it has not worked but I will happily take a 1/3 conversion rate.
It works both ways right. It is freeing in the sense that you can focus on what you think is important for the long term development of the project/company and not the metrics investors want to see but on the flipside the need to raise does create a sense of urgency to focus on growth.
great pics! good to check this out thanks sigster
Great picks, Siggy.
Whenever there are posts about grants to Bitcoin companies, I always imagine why SN has never been granted. Has it ever applied? SN is the most promising of all, it should get those bitcoin grants.
This was the only seed funding raising or SN had another? 1.5 Million USD?
I liked the roundtable stuff very much! So, promising!
Interesting selection today!
At that time of seed funding SN was 25M and now? It must have increased a lot by now? Just wondering, not really looking for answer. I read somewhere that Reddit was only 15M when it got listed this year!
Wow, Then we could not congratulate because I came here late . I know It's late but many congratulations for seed funding to @koob and SN team.
That was good previous one not that good
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