Security is the feeling and supposed plans in place to stop anything or something from going wrong. Financial security then is insurance against lack of ability to have options. Money gives you the option to enjoy the vanity of life that enriches your existence. The moment that is threatened is something you should take seriously.
MONEY exist because people trust it, as a true measurement and standard of payment for value created.
The money that exists among nations is called FIAT ie. Naira, Dollar, Pounds, Yuan, etc and their existence has been founded on the fact that people trust the issuing government to be responsible custodians but when the people charged with the responsibility of issuing this money begin to oversupply this fiat money into the system at a ridiculous rate through terrible policies and spending habit, it results in a situation called INFLATION.
INFLATION is the cancer of FIAT MONEY, and frankly speaking: it is inevitable. Some countries have little to no visible inflation, others are quite obvious.
You can see it in the INFLATION INDEX below:
For example, you bought a house at 13,000,000 NGN at 150/$ in 2018 and sold it in 2023 at 30,000,000 NGN at 750/$. At face value, it looks like a great investment and profitability but you’re wrong.
13,000,000 at 150/$ = 86,666.67 USD 30,000,000 at 750/$ = 40,000 USD You just suffered a loss of 46,666.67 USD due to inflation.
Assuming you sold the house at the dollar rate of 150/$ which was the rate at the time of purchase:
13,000,000 at 150/$ = 86,666.67 USD 30,000,000 at 150/$ = 200,000 USD PROFIT = 113,333.33 USD You can see the difference when inflation is not involved.
Government-issued money is not sound money if the implementors are irresponsible, and we are the enablers of government bad habits because “we want something for nothing” and as long as it profits the government to indulge you, they will keep printing and spending unrestrained. After all, they are the GOVERNMENT, and this is why FIAT money can never be sound.
I crave sound money, that I don’t need to trust a human factor but verify and the only money with such quality is BITCOIN. Built with blockchain technology arguably the truth machine, I found money that screams don’t trust me, verify me.
I appreciated BITCOIN more when I studied it in comparison to GOLD. If you go a step further compare it to the tyrannical nature of governments and terrible monetary policies and practices. Bitcoin is the only sound money in the world. Don’t take it from me, read the Bitcoin whitepaper.
It is the asset that: ✅ It is deflationary ✅ Can be accessed by anyone anywhere ✅ Cannot be stopped by borders or geography ✅ Cannot be censored by authorities ✅ Cannot be devalued by governments ✅ Cannot easily be mass surveilled
Governments will come and go, nations will rise and fall but money is here to stay as long as man wants a reward for efforts/work. Choosing the best, sound, trustworthy, and verifiable money is important. For me, BITCOIN is, and until you understand it, let the SATS be with you.
If you are a Bitcoin hater you will be oblivious to inflation and its effects. If you are a Bitcoin veteran you will notice the effects of inflation and Bitcoin is your shield from inflation.
You're spot on.
Inflation is like the slow death of value, and the parity level across countries gives the illusion that inflation is not affecting some countries.
It is a slow death for all currencies
What's crazy is all assets under inflation tend to go up, so its essentially the government casting a wide net to collect tax receipts under short and long term cap gains. So they trap you anywhere you turn :)
There is no place to run when inflation is concerned.
Fiat money is the lifeblood of inflation, silently eroding wealth. #Bitcoin stands as a beacon, offering a hedge against this silent theft.