It sounds like it's testing connections when reprioritizing and it's failing.
We'll have to wait for @ek to come online. I'm not sure how that all works yet.
FYI, I got a failure notification with the lightning address connection which was because my Blixt wallet isn't always online. So, I tried the LNC connection through my always online node, and still got this failure. I also tried the lightning address with all channels on my Blixt wallet online, and I still could not change priority.
64 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 21 Aug
Changing priority currently unfortunately tries to save all wallets again (to save priority), which means they get tested again. If the test fails, the priority update for that wallet didn't go through. But it should for the other ones.
I want to change it to not test them again just for a priority change but haven't gotten to it yet.
Gotcha. Thanks