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Top Stackers

  • stacker is in hiding for August 22, 2023
  • @k00b
    • 7251 stacked \ 18.2k spent \ 7 posts \ 7 comments \ August 22, 2022
  • stacker is in hiding for August 22, 2021

Top Comments

  • #231737 on Daily discussion thread
    • 1215 sats \ 3 replies \ @BlokchainB \ August 22, 2023
      I been thinking a lot about what @k00b said about posting your failures. I have had a really big failure I been thinking about posting about here. Losing and failing sucks big time feels like you let people down who depend on you but can’t let it defeat you and public shaming is probably the punishment I deserve for making such stupid decisions [...]
  • #61865 on Ask SN: Decentralized stablecoins on lightning
    • 262 sats \ 1 reply \ @fuji_money \ August 22, 2022
      We see Lightning as the "lingua franca" to connect between different layers. [...]
  • #1298 on Assessing Altcoin Innovations
    • 0 sats \ 1 reply \ @banana \ August 22, 2021
      Bitcoin doesn't need to change [...]

Top Territories

  • ~bitcoin
    • 90.3k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 136.6k spent \ 120 posts \ 644 comments \ August 22, 2023
  • ~bitcoin
    • 22.1k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 54.3k spent \ 102 posts \ 239 comments \ August 22, 2022
  • ~bitcoin
    • 36 stacked \ 0 revenue \ 87 spent \ 9 posts \ 10 comments \ August 22, 2021
30 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 22 Aug
Just now noticed that @sn has been a freebie since July 23
Are you wondering why no one's calling @sn names over that?
Oh hmmm