I always read five books about the same topic.
I decide on a topic, research what are considered to be the best books about that field and then read them in order of publication date.
The amazing thing about this is, after book #2, you are essentially already an expert on that topic, so you will have a very good understanding of the vocabulary, key terms, key phrases, arguments and counter arguments that the authors of the remaining three books will likely use.
While the first two books will be slow and tedious, as you are building up your understanding of the topic, you will be able to blast through the remaining three books at lightning speed - and the reading experience will be incredibly rewarding because when an author cites one of the earlier authors, you will be like "yes, I have read that, this is a good fitting citation here" or when an author makes a new claim that might contradict what an earlier author had written, it really gets your inner monologue going, as you will be able to weigh the pros and cons of the claim and decide for yourself who is right or wrong.