There's a saying: Bitcoin is hope.
But once you truly understand Bitcoin, many of the old fiat goals in your life start to lose meaning. It can feel disorienting and even depressing, because you realize you need to build entirely new goals, and you're unsure where to begin.
For example, maybe your plan was to get a mortgage, buy a house, and imagine your kids playing there for the next 20 years while you "happily" pay off a 25-year loan. But when you understand Bitcoin, that plan doesn’t make sense. Why would I put a 100k-200k down payment into a mortgage when it's likely better be in Bitcoin? Plus, you lose about 2.5% to 4% of the total price on taxes, fees, brokers, and other costs. Crazy, right?
I even made a short presentation for my wife, explaining why we should never buy a house given current interest rates and down payment requirements. She responded that she wants a house anyway, because it feels better to own one. But does a 25-year mortgage really make it feel like it’s yours?
She also said it’s depressing to not follow the conventional path. It’s hard to feel satisfied with numbers when everyone around you is deep into mortgages—you want to be one of them. You want to visit their houses and invite them to "yours." It's like becoming sober in a room full of addicts. You know it’s better for you, but the world around you seems so strange that part of you wants to go back, even though you know it hurts. Yet, when you do go back, the joy isn't there anymore. You feel...nothing. And then you decide to withdraw.
I remember paying off my first mortgage for an apartment, and I felt nothing. And that was before I fell down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. Now I know if I ever took out a mortgage again, I’d just feel regret for not keeping the money in Bitcoin. And by the time you finish paying it off, you probably want to sell the property and move somewhere else.
So, the rational decision is to keep everything in Bitcoin and rent instead.Unless, of course, Bitcoin goes to zero. There are only two outcomes for Bitcoin: it’s either going to infinity, or it's going to zero. There’s no scenario where it just hovers at 100k or 60k for the next 20 years—unless people are foolish enough to give away self-custody. If they do, we'll end up with digital gold. So the reasonable question is - how can you be sure? Well, you can't. But we are betting on it and it works for now. Worst case we will need to start from 0. But then there will be no hope anymore.
We are staying in the infinity camp. And when you are in that camp every time you make a big purchase, you’re shorting Bitcoin. Solution - simple, - don't buy anything. There’s a popular meme: You will own nothing, and you will be happy. But if you’re a Bitcoiner, it's more like: You will own only Bitcoin, and you probably won’t be happy about it. Why would I pay 30k for a car when I can lease one? Why put 100k down on a house when I can rent?
The only justification is mental comfort, peace of mind. Or perhaps you value the illusion of owning a physical thing more than the genuine ownership of something virtual. It’s confusing, isn’t it? Sure, you can own a bicycle. But owning a house? That's tricky. Imagine you’re a Russian citizen with a house on Lake Como, and suddenly, new sanctions mean Italy no longer recognizes your property. Or squatters break in while you’re on vacation, and now you need to go through a court battle to evict them.
Extreme situations, I know. But no one thinks it will happen to them—until it does.
So, you’ve sold everything to buy Bitcoin. You don’t own anything except Bitcoin, and you feel sad. Why?
What can you buy with Bitcoin that’s more valuable? Something that won’t depreciate over time. Something like time.
Time with your kids. Time with your family. Time with yourself.
There’s a concept called FIRE and then there is a Bitcoin FIRE calculation ( In simple terms, you spend your Bitcoin slowly enough that it grows faster than you can spend it (in fiat terms). Unlike traditional assets, there’s no yield or dividends, so the only way it works is if Bitcoin continues its cycles. And you need to be at least two cycles in to make it work.
But personally, I don’t think there will be cycles anymore. I believe this October-November will break all the models, and Bitcoin will do what Bitcoin does: surprise everyone. I read somewhere a thought that stuck with me—imagine you wake up on a planet Earth on January 1st. You know nothing about the seasons or weather. After six months of only increasing temperatures, you’d be 100% certain it’s only getting hotter from here.
So what hope does Bitcoin offer? Hope that I can spend more time with my family. Hope that I can create something different for them. Hope that I can live without the weight of fiat goals. Hope that it's only getting hotter from here.
I just need to get through the withdrawal phase.
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I could really grasp what you are going through. I started with Bitcoin in 2011. Now 13 years have passed. The withdrawal was excruciating as I was too attached to the system that I was too attached to the brainwashing outside the Bitcoin universe. Now I am ready to leave the old world behind.
I admire your conviction and the clarity of your thought process.
If your wife is not fully onboard perhaps buy a humble home to keep her happy and then continue stacking aggressively.
Bitcoin is great. The love of your wife is greater.
I still spend time on stuff that give me joy.
A nice bike, exciting holidays, a place to live for my family,... I don't see any of those as ways to store my wealth. They are all deprecating assets. And that's ok.
Bitcoin doesn't change my desire to spend on those few select things that give me joy. Stacking as much Bitcoin as possible is not my final goal.
Bitcoin is just a tool. A better money. Better saving. Better medium of exchange (ultimately, hopefully).
I don't have problem spending on smaller things like holidays or some things that bring you joy. But bigger purchases for me are no go, as I see them as a waste of opportunity compare to bitcoin.
I really enjoyed your post and I think there is a lot of truth in it. I've felt some of these psychological changes you mention personally.
However, I do think it is important to distinguish between money and actual things people want. People don't really want a lot of 'money', whether that be fiat money, gold or bitcoin. They want what money can purchase.
That could be a banana, a new car, a new home, the freedom to tell your boss to fuck off and rage quit so you can do whatever you want whenever you want, etc...
So if you want a home to call yours or a new car or a banana, you don't need to feel bad spending money to purchase it. That is literally the only purpose of the money, to trade it for something real. To convert the human imposed imaginary value of a piece of paper or a long string of numbers representing your bitcoin, to food, shelter, etc...
I personally think there should be more of a culture of delayed gratification so people stop living paycheck to paycheck and spending every penny (and often more) that they earn. Bitcoin fits in very well with a savings and low time preference culture.
Ultimately, bitcoin is money. It is a wonderful money. But for better or for worse, bitcoin is just... money.
I enjoy Alan Watt's take on money, you can check it out starting around the 2:45 timestamp in this video:
Thank you for the video, really enjoyed it! I agree that the only purpose of money is to buy you something you need. Just a low time preference and delayed gratification approach from Saifedean put everything upside down for me:)
What an amazing post. Bookmarking it. All of our friends are entrenched in the fiat system and are asking us when we are going to buy. For us and for now, the answer is not anytime soon. We have super low rent, live in a nice area and try to optimize our stacking.
life, relationships, psychology there's rarely anything purely black or white, its always all gray, and life is full of compromise,
compromise is seen by some as weak, but imho and especially in close relationships, sometimes you compromise because life is better together than as an individual
bitcoin is just money. and not everything in life is about money. wanting to own a home because of the psychological sense of belonging and ownership doesn't make you a bad person just different
maybe its something like comprising on not having the most expensive house full of junk, rather having a smaller cheaper home, so you can continue to save in bitcoin but your wife also has a place to call her own
good luck ✌
I think it doesn't make sense to own a smaller cheaper home compared to rent, cause when you own a home is much more friction to move out. And you don't want to stuck in the "compromise" home for the rest of your life
yes know what you think , you wrote the whole post, but life isn't all about us as individuals is it. all the best with whatever you work out
Instead of hoping that Bitcoin goes to infinity, you should do something more tangible to take control of your life. Like, say, starting a business and putting matters into your own hands.
Well, it's not like I'm not earning money, just all the earnings go to stacking now
So, what’s the problem then?
Great thoughts here.
For better or for worse, I’m ethically Chinese, and culturally, having a roof over my head and a house in my name is so ingrained in me that I wouldn’t even want to think otherwise haha. And I think my cultural bias shows because I was ecstatic when I finished paying off my mortgage.
What are you hoping to create that is different for your family?
I want to create the image that home is home and rental vs mortgage shouldn't change your feelings about it I guess. Until we will be able to build what we really want, and that is when I will convert my bitcoin time into my home time.
Bitcoin: it’s either going to infinity, or it's going to zero.
Meme coins are near zero but people are still buying them. Even if Bitcoin goes near zero like meme coins it will never go out of style.
Bitcoin is withdrawal from false hopes, which are marketed by false prophets.
we were born into a system where the default stance of a public is to believe what false prophets say, based on the social engineers' agenda.
the american dream of ownig a house is one such false marketing scam.
by the way, I think you are mixing digital vs virtual: based on the original meaning of words, bitcoin is the digital property (from the word "digit" - finger), whereas man-made fiat coins are a virtual construct.
bitcoin is physical: bits have to live on some chip. man-made fiat is virtual: it maintains value only thru man-made decrees.
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