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Tagged you guys because I want to finalize the rules for the pool tomorrow and wanted to get the opinion of the more prominent participants in the pools. So please weigh in.
We will definitely be bringing back the one rebuy this year. @Bell_curve brought up an interesting idea that I thought was worth discussing. He suggested there should be two winners- the person who made it the farthest without the rebuy and the ultimate survivor. Of course they could be the same player in which case it is irrelevant and 100% of the pot would go to the final survivor. We also could potentially have a tie amongst more than one player for going the longest without using the rebuy. Under that circumstance I think it should also just default to the final survivor getting 100% of the pot.
But if we have one player who outlasts everyone else before using the rebuy and they don't end up winning the entire pool, should they get a portion of the pot?
If you can respond yes or no and if yes what % of the pot do you think they should get?
Thanks, GR
15% of the pot
Count me in for the pool
Gotcha. Noted.
I was going to say 10%, but same idea.
It's a cool dynamic and it does feel right to reward them. Ultimately, though, the contest is to make the longest with a rebuy.
Noted. I like the idea as well. We will also have a deadline for rebuys like last year but if one player gets to the deadline without using and ends up not winning the pot I think it's a nice bit of recognition.
NFL network is replaying 49ers vs Raiders from last Friday. Decided to watch a bit because I missed most of the game. Man the left side of our OLine was a disaster against your backups. They need to get the Trent contract sorted out yesterday.
Neither of us mentioned that awesome lateral drill at the end of the game. That was such a fun ending for a preseason game.
The last to rebuy should still have to hit a certain TBD date, if everybody rebuys by week 2, week 3 person doesn't seem worthy of a prize
Good idea
Along those lines, I was thinking that the smaller prize could be the zaps that had come in prior to the final rebuy.
That would let it scale larger with how many weeks the winner made it.
That would not include any of the sats from buy-in’s or rebuys.
Yes but 20% or under
We went with 20%. Posted the rules yesterday and buy ins open today.
Yeah, I like the idea of there being a reward for whoever goes the longest without a rebuy. I think 15% is nice (and still gives the overall winner most of the pool).
I like that it's not a large portion of the pot but something.
I like that a rebuy should count against you in the tie breaker.
I am ok with two winners.
Did you settle on buy in amount?
How far into the season could one rebuy?
10k sats. I will check what we did last year. I think no rebuy after week 9.
My vote would be 30% to winner with out rebuy.
That sounds good.
Yes 30%
Higher than most people are selecting. No one is confident in their ability to not need a rebuy I guess. Haha
Less is fine. I just think it's an important achievement that deserves sats.
Agreed. I think we will land around 20%. Last year I think we cut off rebuys in after week 8. I think up until week 10 is good this year if we are going to have a payout for making it until rebuy deadline or being the last to use.
Good idea
it's a great achievement for the survivor purist
Noted. You and Siggy are a bit higher on the percentage but the idea is popular. No one has voted against yet
Sorry been traveling, I'm in regardless of the structure. Sorry for not outlining any thoughts in the meantime.
All good. Enjoy the travels.
Trip was great, a much needed break return was horrible. 3.5 hour flight turned to 7+ hours including 2+ hours waiting on tarmac after we landed. Still don't have our checked bags.
I’m in!
Not that bad