Some I might know if I heard them but don’t instantly recognize by the name.
“ I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can't remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain”
I don’t know how or why since it would have been ten plus years after the fact but this song was in heavy rotation in my household when I was a kid. I guess my dad was a fan.
Izzy likes Song Sung Blue because somehow we landed on the Hot Butter version on Spotify one day. I think it was in the kids section. So, I actually listened to a couple of these tracks recently because Izzy wanted to hear the original Song Sung Blue and then the algo took over after it was done.
My spotify is very eclectic. I was listening to Neil Diamond a couple days ago and Social Distortion yesterday. And @supercyclone had me listening to Weird Al tracks on youtube.
I remember most of them including Don McLean songs. Maybe I am really old. A dinosaur. A dinosaur. A fossil. Bread's Diary is my fave. My fave for 33 years and maybe for as long as I live.
In the late 60s and early 70s I listened to a lot of NYC AM radio- WABC 770. Dan Ingram and "Cousin Brucie" were the big djs. Then I discovered FM AOR on WNEW.
Let's Listen All of them!!