This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Almost have back button working well. Just buggy under certain circumstances.
Bitcoin enables so much experimentation but where the f is it? I've recently gotten back into playing poker it's a great game. But the online poker market is lackluster because each company is managing it all. The server, the client implementation, security, kyc aml and bank transfers, customer service and none of it seems interoperable. So the resources are stretched thin for each poker provider. And as result we get barebones poker clients with not much qol. But what if you started a poker protocol, it handles the games, tournaments sign-ups, balances, and then casinos could hook up to it, and players could use any client they wanted and they would maybe be developed in an open source way. But this doesn't seem to be happening atm. even tho it seems it would be better for everyone. It could start with bitcoin as a base currency?
It takes experimentation, trials and errors and a LOT of time to develop quality UX/UI on top of something so new as bitcoin
Remember the web in the early 90s? I was there (gosh I'm old) and it's nothing compared to what we have today. Give the space its time and support interesting and genuine projects
Funnily enough I did see a Lightning-based poker site posted on SN a few days ago... It didn't seem to be too active however.
Well, at least there is 😉
that has potential. most people are using bitcon cash tho which is obvious considering BTC on-chain fees are higher than blinds on most tables :) when LN? :)
IDK about bitcoin but in monero we have a weekly poker night (22:00 UTC) operated by /biz/ users over tor, IDK I've never tried it though:
It's a good idea to implement in bitcoin I guess especially now that there's lightning. The problem is that there isn't a lot of plausible deniability, but maybe some multisig magic could make it work.
If someone figures out how to do it with provable fairness, maybe you could advertise it as a bitcoin community event.
paid holiday at work, woohoo!
Any updates on blocking function on SN?
Not yet. Might take me a couple weeks as I have a huge backlog and I’m a one man ship.
Keep reminding me though! Let’s me know people really want it.
Finshed second hour of working on Replit learning Java in index.js Not sure where this is going, but i've committed myself to 40hrs on there and if I don't understand still, i will re-asses life goals. So far, doing simple functions and operations to make a tip calculator, and simplifying code using arrow functions. I've done three days of a Learn Java Script in 4 days. I'm just following whatever Replit suggests for me. Time to chop some wood to ensure energy security.
Rocking it with React again while working on 🙂 Today I'm working on the dark mode. Later on I'll be adding a price receipt generator to the Fiat2SatsConverter.
Have a great Bitcoin Monday!
Cool site! Will follow the project. Love the idea of the cards...proof of work is a sight to behold.
Humble suggestion: when you get up and rolling, you could duplicate the cards with landing pages for different audiences and track which ones get the most engagement. Or even stckers or magnets w/ QR codes. I'm super into this, let me know if you want help.
Thanks! If you want, hit me up in twitter DM :)
Question for @k00b: is it possible to make SN account as a LNDhub wallet that can be imported into Zeus or Bluewallet ?
That will make SN sats to be fully usable out of SN. I know some users here want that. Me personally I do not need an urgent need for the sats from SN (to be used outisde) but others maybe.
It’s possible. I’m going to explore non custodial wallet stuff before too long

Tip of the day!

A small street merchant want to start accepting BTC. How?
Use case scenario
Let's say you have a friend, selling fruits and vegetables in an open market and want to start accepting, slowly sats for his products and HODL them into an onchain wallet. Being just a start, is not expected to have too many customers paying in BTC, so hodling is the right way to accumulate more.
For the beginning is nor really necessary to have a full node, all knowledge about LN, channels, fees etc Will be too much for a new coiner. In time can read and learn more. The main goal now is how to take sats fast without complications.
  • have a basic smartphone with internet access
  • have a PC at home or better a simple HW
  • a bitcoiner friend to help him setup these firsts steps. For a total nocoiner, some aspects will not be well taken and could end up in troubles.
Steps to do
I know many will shoot at me for "recommending" a semi-custodial solution, but hold your horses, this is just to get used with accepting, without doing anything else. Yes, there are many other ways, I know, but we are talking here about a person that is not tech savy and just want to test... We will have more tips with other solutions, today we will use one that few knows it.
  1. Create an account on CoinOS - is a wonderful anonymous online tool to start taking some sats. Works also on Tor and have integrated swaps. You have also LNURL and LN Address. And many other little things that could help you. Give it a chance.
  2. Save the page as a widget on your friend phone. Any mobile browser can do that.
  3. Save the backup details in a safe place.
  4. Done, now he can start accepting BTC/LN with CoinOS, anonymously, directly on his phone. Onchain and LN too. But main goal is to take LN payments and swap them into his personal onchain wallet.
  5. On his PC at home, install Electrum or Sparrow. Or use a HW to setup that onchain HODL wallet.
  6. Create a new onchain wallet, save seed etc
  7. Extract the MPK (master public key) and save it. Optional Use that MPK to import a "watch-only" wallet into Sentinel or Bluewallet or any other onchain wallet app that supports "watch-only" wallets. Now can generate new BTc addresses to receive anytime he want, without "fully opening" his HODL / HW wallet. He can even delete Electrum or Sparrow from his desktop PC.
  8. Each day, receive payments into CoinOS LN
  9. End of day, just send them (the swap in CoinOS is directly integrated) to the watch-only wallet, onchain (generate a BTC address from Sentinel and paste it as destination in CoinOS).
Done, in simple steps that anybody can understand. Later you can advance in using more apps and solutions. This could be your first step.
I read about what we Europoors will have to going trough this winter and I cannot thank my past self enough about the decision to go all in bitcoin few years ago
I've never felt so safe like today
Can't burn BTC to stay warm but you could buy a pretty good sleeping bag. Not even joking, very underrated survival item. If "camping" fuel and stoves are still available, not a bad idea either. Good nights sleep and hot cup of tea could give you a big edge if things go south.
Good luck Euro-bro.
Same here. It feels like a life raft. I know i can always start again somewhere else if it gets bad enough here. Plus it motivates me to learn more about Bitcoin.