What if modern education is a form of destroying uniqueness and trying to make everyone think and know the same things, taking away from the knowledge passing down within the family in the name of improving literacy?
But what I don't really understand is why parents would send their kids into strangers' hands; I mean who would teach your kids better than yourself?
watched some videos of some kids speaking three languages by age 3, simply by hanging around with families; it's sad to see how modern schools destroy kids' curiosity.
I largely agree with the sentiment, but if it were intentional then they'd be failing at it.
Our school system was created when people lived in much smaller communities, so you weren't sending your kids off to strangers. You knew the teachers, already, and they only had the job because they were trusted in the community.
That devolved gradually into what we have now, but the norms around going to school haven't caught up to the reality.
It was hijacked the whole idea of local community schools... Watch the The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America w/ Charlotte Iserbyt
Because I don’t know everything. And I want my children to pick up diverse perspectives n skills from many people