I see value as hey CMC goes down and so does Samuel. Can we rely on purdy to go on the road and beat the jets? My bet would be no. Would purdy flourish on the raiders I would say no. So yes he’s cheap and has value in the niners system but it trends to zero on other teams that don’t have a god tier roster
Purdy would be better than Minshew and AOC on the Raiders. Would he be as good as he is with the 49ers of course not. In my opinion there are only 3 guys in the league that can take their team on their back and will them to victory and would find a way to flourish on any team. So your argument essentially is any QB not named Mahomes, Allen or Jackson trends to zero if you take their weapons away.
The better question is how many QBs in the league would have been as good or better than Purdy over the course of his first year and a half if you transplanted them on the 49ers. I think it is less than 10. Therefore in my book Purdy is a top 10 QB