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What are the pros and cons of Wasabi 2.0?
I'm interested in different aspects (especially the coinjoin part), situations and threat scenarios and how does it compare with other options like Whirlpool. I'm less interested in "because X said so" or "just use Y and don't ask" or "it's the worst" without any explanation / sources.
I'll pay the best answer(s) with some nice sats ;)
I gave it a quick spin a couple months back, but didn't test it extensively.
Wasabi 2.0 seemed to be more geared towards beginners than its predecessors. When initiating a coinjoin for example you have high level settings like fast / cheap / private, but it was hard to discern what exactly was going on under the hood. There was also a notable lack of coin control, which again was an intentional design decision as users can easily screw that up and compromise their privacy.
I think it's good to make coinjoin more accessible to newbies, but perhaps more experienced users wanting greater control might find this aspect frustrating. Personally I use Sparrow as I prefer the UX, as well as the auto-withdrawal to HWW feature (which I didn't see as an option in Wasabi 2.0).
I was on the fence for a long time due to the privacy crowd getting mad at them for blacklisting addresses. But after listing to max hilliebrand on the crypto voice podcast I decided to try it out. It is very different than 1.0 but I Like you don’t need a lot of sats to gain privacy. I think I mixed like 200k sats and I don’t think I paid a fee.
The previous comments on this left by @scampy are addressed by max himself in the pod
Also I find Samurai very buggy
Blacklisting wallets doesn't make sense anyway πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
People can just coinjoin to a new wallet and make the final transaction from the new wallet to the intended destination πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
But it doesn't work in the other direction...
From an average user experience, Wasabi 2.0 appears to be the easier turn key self custodian option then other services out there at the moment.
I tried it when it just starts and it had huge problems with lack of funds. Than I changed to Sinbad, but it have been seized some time ago. Now I use https://tumbler.io/ works nice and very cheap. There is one thing that I am worried about just only their history, they work only 3 months.
@nout needs some pros and cons Mix tin and copper, make some bronze My name is @ken, don't call me Johns Get sats for cheap, use some coupons