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I've never read a book more than twice. I'm not talking about books you had to study at school.
I have read many books twice in the space of 10 years (the first time when I was in my 20s, the second time when I was in my 30s). Maybe I will read some of them a third time when I am in my 40s.
What about you?
Have you ever read a book more than twice?
Yes, Book is Rich Dad Poor Dad. I believe, you too must have read this book.
I haven't read it.
Then you should read. Amazing book
I come back to Marcus Aurelius Meditations once every handful years.
Great book
A monk who sold his Ferrari. Everyone should read this once.
I've read many books many many times! Most of my these books include classical literature, either from India or English. I'm gonna tell you a few from English here.
Doctor Faustus, Hamlet, Macbeth, A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, Alchemist, 1984, Animal Farm, Paradise Lost (for the speech of Satan only) and many more. I read them in parts.
Oh yeah! The Stormlight Archive by Brandon is a must read for any fantasy enthusiast. Each book so far ( 4) is about 1300 pages long with small crammed text. I’ve read book 1 four times and I’m reading 2-4 for the third time now. Book five comes out, finally, in December this year.
Sanderson produces books at an alarming rate! Some of them are stab alone books and others are short series and short books. All of them however, are part of the same universe, the Cosmos. There are nuggets of connections in all of them and it’s so much fun to spot them and speculate on.
I remember reading Isabel Allende's novel The House of the Spirits twice, but it was because I really enjoyed it a lot. I really recommend it.
I have read it—an excellent reading.
I read atlas shrugged every few years. I always find a detail l have missed.
40 laws of power read in two languages.
Reading is a very good habit, but for me it is always a nightmare. But during my student life I was fascinated by detective books, especially by Maurice LeBlanc with Monsieur Arsen Lupin. But I never read a book twice.
Not sure I have read a book more than twice. There are a bunch of books I have read twice and books that I go back to certain sections many times.
I may have read the Richest Man in Babylon more than twice but not 100% sure.
As a teenager I read The Lord of the Rings three times. I enjoyed every single time.
Cat's Cradle because it's awesome
The Great Gadsby because high school teachers thoroughly lack imagination
The Bible
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy... I read the first 4 of them at least 3 times each. Maybe 4. They were fun as a f*ck. The 5th book I only read twice. Not as fun. (But mostly harmless.)
Ringworld: twice
Evolution by Stephen Baxter: twice
Some star wars & star trek novels likely got read twice too.
Guess I'm officially a Sci-fi nerd.
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell! So much info to try to absorb and it takes 10,000 hours to be an expert, lol
I’ve also started the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isacson about 3 times, but have never gotten through it. So many characters to folllow
Read “Lord of the rings” at least 4 times, three in my own language and once in the originale English version!
The Sky Is Falling, Honor Among Thieves, The Last Picture Show, Texasville, The Lord of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Rings, The Never Ending Story amongst others. I try to reread books to refresh some details that I keep on missing plus they are good reads.
I find new layers or nuances that I hadn't noticed before. The decision to revisit a book often depends on how much it
I do actually.
Most prominent example - What should I do with my life? by Po Bronson. I have read many parts of it numerous times during my quarter-life crisis. If my house is burning down, I will pick it up and escape from the fire!
Yep I did Book name rich dad poor dad
I read "Mindfulness In Plain English" every year in January.
I love reading story books.
Leo Tolstoy and chekov are my favourites. I can read them many times
surely your joking mr feynman
If its dense I do. Some stuff needs to be read a number of times to get a better understanding of some of the concepts.
  • Harry Hole series (Jo Nesbo)
  • Meditationes (Marcus Aurelius)
  • The naked ape (Morris)
  • White nights (Dostoevskji)
"Veronika Must Die", " The Alchemist" and host of others. I really want to feel the book I am reading by re-reading.
Many times over:
Moby-Dick Infinite Jest The Art of War (mini bookstore edition) Games People Play
Always find something new in each read.
In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching...I recommend it...
Classics, of course. Modern stuff - I've read a few Tom Clancy books 2-3 times over the years.
Edgar Allan Poe - Tales of the grotesque and arabesque
I've been re-reading less as I've grown older, because my taste continues to expand, and there's only so much time. But I've reread everything by Pratchett and Shakespeare, most of Vonnegut, and probably a bunch of others. All have offered me something new on each reread.
I’ve read all of the Harry Potter books more than twice. When I was younger I would read the whole series all the way through and then start over again once I was finished. I did that for several years.
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