You always add legitimacy to my book reviews by providing your personal experiences wrt them. Thanks! It’s motivating!
I think Greg is selfish, as adolescents are bound to be. Your comment reminds me of how I found Holden in The Catcher in The Rye super insufferable when I first read him at 17. But when I read The Catcher again in my 20s, I found Holden to be more sympathetic.
Given that my own blog is named diaperfinancingfund, I am intrigued about the band haha
I know a lot of people who still dislike Holden intensely. Regarding Greg, yes, he's selfish, disloyal, and he has a rather high opinion of himself. I can't believe I'm thinking this much about Greg Hefley!
This shows how involved you are as a parent haha!
Do you and your daughter still read the same books, like @Undisciplined and his mum?
Not so much anymore. Our tastes differ. There is some overlap, though.