At university I had a professor I really liked, he taught my favorite subject and we always talked, he had to leave Venezuela for reasons we already know; he emigrated to Brazil. Years later I saw that he made posts in support of socialism in Brazil, at first I thought it was a mistake or that it was sarcasm... Until Milei won in Argentina and he made another post showing his discontent. I wrote to him immediately: Why do you support the left? - He answered me: "In the case of Argentina, because it was the least bad. It was the left or barbarism." I blocked him immediately, I wanted to insult him and say: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN YOUR MIND?? YOU LEFT VENEZUELA BECAUSE YOUR PROFESSOR'S SALARY WAS ONLY ENOUGH FOR COFFEE!! YOUR FATHER DIED AND YOU COULD NOT BE WITH HIM. DID YOU FORGET THE LINES TO GET FOOD AND MEDICINE??? ... I saved my words, I didn't say anything to him, it was a great disappointment for me, how can someone so intelligent be an imbecile at the same time? Now that Lula banned X in Brazil I wanted to write to him: I told you so. Once again I saved my words.
Left, Right. What is the real difference between these two political tendencies?
I don't really see much difference and in the end they give each other "chocolate" as they say in Venezuela. It is true that Brazil and Venezuela blocked X, but the fact is that the Democratic candidate of the USA announced that she would block X if she is elected.
The question is not of political tendency, the problem is the politicians, today they go in one direction, tomorrow if something doesn't suit them, they forget their campaign speech and take another direction.
In Venezuela itself, the Adecos and the Copei were mortal enemies, Chavismo arrived and those who previously hated each other became friends. El Salvador is more of the same and if tomorrow in the United States a third party appears, different from the Democrats and Republicans, the current arch enemies become friends.
Neither left nor right, neither one nor the other. They are all the same.
The truly intelligent will be on the side of Bitcoin and its environment.
Democratic candidate of the USA announced that she would block X if she is elected
Did she? I had to miss that. Any source? I remember another case from some days ago:
Please look this
Have just watched the video. And I am sorry I don’t hear it there.