All my yakihonne content is gone. the only thing it does is relay any stacker activity over there. it's all there, but not anything I posted specifically to yakihonne. it's all gone. my sats are there, but not my content, and my sats are in an account that is not my main account. it may have something to do with primal as well. every time i use nostr, it goes to the primal, but primal is shitty, and i never use it. it used ot go to coralon or wtver that one is called. also not very good. i wonder what happened to all my yakihonne content. and whatever else.. wtf.
I saw some posts about people scaling back relays, recently. At a certain point, that is going to eat content.
well. that just sucks. all that content. jeez
Yep. Nostr isn't an indefinite backup of content. It only is so long as the relays that have it last.
same thing with blogstack. all gone. I'm looking at a platform that combines web 3 and 2. If i get good news about that and they hold content, I'll post it here.
Yeah, I feel you there. It's a hard dance to find. You get content that is permanent and never moving and not easy to find, or content that is easy to find, more malleable, and not especially permanent it seems.