Hahaha, fucking egghead freaks... Scum, statist traitors of humanity!
Gritologist the stinking bunch of them, never ever got close to actual science, which since the Copenhagen school a freaking century ago now proved that mind is always part of the equation!
Yeah, they'll get come dragging their corrupt patent clerk Einstein, who stole from previous scientists like Maxwell, to push his censorous career and standing within corrupt fiat institutions to stop anything that gets close to picking at the spell that was set up!
Misinformation, fuck its not even a real word, just another lie form cowards and mental midgets heaped up on the previous lies, all so that they can spellbind more souls to torture...
Satanic scum all of them!
I'm nowhere near finished with these freaks, but that type of writing might have to come later and from another angle hahaha!