What is the usual reason for why merchants are starting to accept bitcoin? Is it more because the founders are interested in bitcoin (top-down), because of customer demand (bottom-up) or other reasons?
Good morning @ek, thank you for your comment and questions. It really varies from merchant to merchant. Many see it as a technology of the future and want to upgrade now to stay ahead of the competition, often using it as a marketing tool.
Just the other day, we were in touch with a luxury watch dealer from Munich who had already received five inquiries this year asking if Bitcoin could be used for payment. Others, however, prefer to accept only euros but are open to the possibility of handling transactions from Bitcoin customers, using off-ramping options.
Additionally, some merchants are attracted to the fundamental advantages, such as instant payment settlement, no chargebacks, and minimal fees.
Is there also another category that want to use Bitcoin as a "fuck you money" ?
@DarthCoin Indeed, they exist as well.
goooood, I am more relaxed now :)
@DarthCoin, Then we are as well :)