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Acts and Statutes

When “acts and statues” are quoted in paperwork sent by various corporations, the person who sent it is hoping you just accept them.
However when “acts and statutes” are quoted you must question this and ask the sender if they are administrating the act or statute upon you.
No one will ever admit to this as this makes them liable for their actions of administrating something upon you, which you did not authorise.
Further to this, ask to see the signed document by you allowing that person to administrate the “act or statute” upon you; it doesn’t exist.
Therefore do not fight regulations, inquire if you are obligated to obey them, and who is going to administrate them, and under what authority.
when “acts and statutes” are quoted you must question this and ask the sender if they are administrating the act or statute upon you.
Fucking A ! Check-mate!
Therefore do not fight regulations, inquire if you are obligated to obey them, and who is going to administrate them, and under what authority.
“acts and statues”
statues ? :)
proof of hooman :)