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In Venezuela, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general have helped people a lot, they have helped them preserve value, I had even read a news story a couple of years ago, that there was a restaurant franchise that was paying its employees with crypto (it was not in sats), also many local businesses and small entrepreneurs accept cryptocurrencies, all this change from Fiat to crypto currency happened organically and not imposed by others, Venezuelans got tired of seeing how the local currency devalued every day and looked for better alternatives.
I remember seeing some videos of people using Dash, yes :-)
Would guess that some use Monero too?
Whatever works is what people will do I guess, hopefully the knowledge of Lightning is spreading...
I have a huge desire to return to Venezuela, firstly to hug my family that I haven't seen for many years and secondly to travel around Venezuela and do interviews in all the states about their knowledge in bitcoin and spread the message throughout the country.
It would be a kind of Jehovah's Witness, but instead of Jesus, Bitcoin
Now that is another good reason to get into writing or producing content of any sort so that you can do that trip, representing someone who can back you, when the time is right :-)