Wrong. Scalability is subjective. Everyone is free to use bitcoin as a measure today of they wish without ever having to touch bitcoin directly.
You have a broken model of "money" because you are not sufficiently familiar with the notion of measure of value, the often ignored 4th function of money.
Anyone who sincerely wishes to understand the nature of total global adoption must start here or remain in ignorance.
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Hello, I come after the debate but could you please reference a chapter of a book or an article? His point I think was Bitcoin is not scalable for all people of planet earth, which looks to me correct, hence his conclusion is I guess let us use Lightning. I am not sure what you mean as counter argument by "measure of value". If you don't have a chapter of a book or an article could you then explain?
"measure of value" requires agreeing on a unit, hence "unit of account"
"Scalability" just means to make something bigger, so the question is "scaling what?"
Ah sorry, I was asking to @DiracDelta as I didn't get his answer. I guess your point was transactions on Bitcoin won't scale to all people on Earth, which made sense to me. And he seems to refute somewhat that. So I was wondering what he meant in more details.
You can also look into Financially (USD) Settled Forward Contracts.
"Using" bitcoin as MOE for regulated long term contracts with a dollar unit of account is a total LARP.