Hello, I come after the debate but could you please reference a chapter of a book or an article? His point I think was Bitcoin is not scalable for all people of planet earth, which looks to me correct, hence his conclusion is I guess let us use Lightning. I am not sure what you mean as counter argument by "measure of value". If you don't have a chapter of a book or an article could you then explain?
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"measure of value" requires agreeing on a unit, hence "unit of account"
"Scalability" just means to make something bigger, so the question is "scaling what?"
Ah sorry, I was asking to @DiracDelta as I didn't get his answer. I guess your point was transactions on Bitcoin won't scale to all people on Earth, which made sense to me. And he seems to refute somewhat that. So I was wondering what he meant in more details.
You can also look into Financially (USD) Settled Forward Contracts.
"Using" bitcoin as MOE for regulated long term contracts with a dollar unit of account is a total LARP.