Accidentally saw a site that accepts Bitcoin, and I was curious to see how they integrate it, so I used random info to experience their payment flow.
I feel that for the existing brands, they will most likely use third-party payment tools, and currently 1. only onchain available 2. grouping Bitcoin into crypto; And for the business built by hardcore Bitcoiners, BTC only and LN enabled, which is quite funny to see so many things simply from the setup.
These 3rd party payment processors are the new "bitcoin paypal". People should avoid as much is possible to use them for their online shops. Why? For the simple fact that are EXACTLY against the whole idea of Bitcoin. Remember the whitepaper abstract?
Nowadays is quite easy to self-host your own "bitcoin payment processor" or at least control it better.
People should avoid as much is possible to use them for their online shops.
I agree!