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Today, I really thought that I have levelled up in my parenting game.
Weekend mornings are usually a source of quicksand-like pain for me because my wife grabs the chance to sleep in, thus leaving me to engage my two kids for the greater part of 3 hours. You can imagine that this is not a task I look forward to.
This week, something happened that made me change my approach. I was reading “The Art of Possibility” by Benjamin Xander and his co-author when their advice about changing the lens in which we frame our problems struck me as forcibly as a glorious pearl sitting regally on an oyster. Indeed, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
With that impetus pushing my hunchbacked soul, I did something novel this morning. I first allowed my son to drown his senses within 20 minutes of television watching. Then, I changed both kids’ clothes and took them downstairs to an eatery, where I ordered kaya bread (bread with coconut jam; trust me, it tastes better than it sounds).
My plan worked! Due to the novelty, both kids ate their breakfast without any fuss. And because they were focused on eating, I didn’t feel like I had to distract myself by reading a book. I was fully present the whole time. I didn’t even glance at my phone for even one second.
Additionally, because we all finished our breakfast earlier than usual, I chaperoned them to the nearby playground, where they received their requisite 20 minutes of sunshine. I have high hopes that they have made enough melatonin such that they would be knocked out come bedtime later!
I hope I don’t jinx myself by saying this, but I’m going to follow my new plan tomorrow and hope that I emerge from breakfast, not feeling as if cannonballs have been shot through my psyche. Wish me luck!
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Good job sensei. Let your wife have a break and just enjoy your time with the kiddos. There will come a time when they don’t need you on weekend mornings and while that will be in some ways freeing you will also miss days like these.
Yes will enjoy these tiny divine packages before they grow up xP
Good experience. In reality, raising children requires a lot of imagination and ingenuity.
In their case the strategy worked, I hope it continues to be that way although we cannot guarantee it, children have a looooong imagination and incredible needs.
But it is an excellent idea to spend quality time with our children.
So whenever possible don't hesitate to do something different and fun.
For your children that is more important than the food itself.
I’m not sure my daughter agrees with you. She can tear the house down if she doesn’t get to eat what she desires haha
Good luck!
It's nice to break up the routine, especially when the routine is not something anyone is enjoying.
I only hope for more brainpower to help me think out of my preconceived biases!
I read your story and it made sense. I am expecting a child, my wife is 4 months pregnant, and it has been difficult for me to get used to this new dynamic. It can be frustrating at times, but as you say, there are times when changing perspective helps you better understand what is happening and find a way to enjoy the journey. Thank you for your story, it was very revealing. I hope everything goes better for you every morning.