🙏 Please Donate for September 2024

In August, we got very close to breaking even on a total-revenue+donation basis! Which means if donations are flat this month (ie >= ~38K), and there is just a tiny bit of growth, we might be close to a point where sustainability is in reach.
In line with the plan to achieve sustainability (break-even), donations will directly reduce the posting fee, such that donations + forecasted posting fees - monthly rent = 0. The "forecast" will just use the prior month's post-count for one more month. After September, we will introduce a dampening mechanism as discussed a month ago, to smooth out post-fee changes.
The next Fee Operation Management Committee will announce new posting fees according to the following schedule:
  • ~2024/09/09 13h00 UTC
  • ~2024/10/08 13h00 UTC
  • ~2024/11/09 13h00 UTC
Note that I'm dropping the block-numbers, because I'm mixing them up with SN post #s.

Accounting Notes

August Crowd Funding

Crowd Funded Contributions for August 2024 - thank-you! @Undisiplined - 25K @siggy47 - 5K @grayruby - 3K @anons - 5.2K Total Crowd Funding = 38.2K

August Revenue

56.7K according to the operational stats.

Posting Notes

Forecasted Posts in August= 287 Actual Posts in August = 289 Forecasted Posts in September = 289 Surplus of 2 posts vs forecast.
Treasury was 41K at end of May. I'm holding off ratifying rules around treasury burn until I see signs of stability in modelling the future. We're still bleeding money, albeit less slowly now, and @jeff is plugging the holes.

Short Term Priorities & Goals

These are unchanged.
  1. Break even with crowdfunding
  2. Break even without crowdfunding
  3. Build up treasury
  4. Run incentive backed games

Build Tooling

Operational Metrics

All-Time 1.9m stacked \ 177.8k revenue \ 2.3m spent \ 2942 posts \ 14.5k comments ~ 4 weeks in March @ 10 sats-per-post: 215.7k stacked \ 19k revenue \ 247.3k spent \ 588 posts \ 1755 comments April (proper): 277.9k stacked \ 26.8k revenue \ 322k spent \ 605 posts \ 2303 comments ~4 weeks in April @ 21 sats-per-post: 203.9k stacked \ 24.6k revenue \ 239.3k spent \ 537 posts \ 2151 comments May (proper): 149.5k stacked \ 27.8k revenue \ 194.8k spent \ 380 posts \ 2095 comments ~4 weeks in May @ 100 sats-per-post: 105.3k stacked \ 26k revenue \ 144.6k spent \ 326 posts \ 1919 comments June (proper): 253.4k stacked \ 36.8k revenue \ 327.1k spent \ 331 posts \ 2297 comments ~4 weeks in June @ 136 sats-per-post: 260.4k stacked \ 35.5k revenue \ 332.4k spent \ 327 posts \ 2551 comments July (proper): 339.4k stacked \ 40.9k revenue \ 423.8k spent \ 287 posts \ 2662 comments ~4 weeks in July @ 187 sats-per-post: 307.8k stacked \ 39.2k revenue \ 389.6k spent \ 250 posts \ 2230 comments August (proper): 263.5k stacked \ 56.7k revenue \ 376.7k spent \ 289 posts \ 2905 comments ~4 weeks in August @ 215 sats-per-post 189.3k stacked \ 75.8k revenue \ 339.4k spent \ 246 posts \ 2273 comments

Territory Change Log

2024/08/11 - Increased the posting fee to 215 @ 644200

Owner's Pledge

If this territory ever runs a cumulative net profit, I'll find a way to do right by the earliest contributors. There is no guarantee of that scenario. Most likely, it'll take the form of "pay-it-forward"-style BTC-adoption/effort/charity.


Do not donate with the expectation of receiving a share of future profits. This is not a security offering.

Prior Updates

August 2024 637435 July 2024 601808 June 2024 566281 May 2024 526847 April 2024 493332 March 2024 448054

Additional Notes

There was a material uptick in my own accounts income from referrals. I'm trying to figure out if that is tied to the territory or not. If anybody knows, it would be helpful to understand as it might impact my model.
Correction: @Undisciplined donated 25K last month, not @Undisiplined
25k again
If we break even, then I'll continue the weening process and drop to 20k.
Thank you sir! That's what I'm hoping for!
3k sats sent for September
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @jeff OP 7 Sep
Thank you good sir!
My pleasure.
Here you go. Sorry I missed it yesterday.
No worries mate, thank you so much for the support!
Note to future self: @siggy47 donated 10K to the top-level post, not the comment.
Sorry I zapped the wrong place.
Don't sweat it.