We had such a great time. We hadn't gone either. They had a waterslide and that bubble bath splashing area at the Ranch we went to in July. She did that. We also a have slip and slide (remember those) and used that once this year. We didn't do as many things this summer as the last couple just because the first half of summer my wife had her surgery and then she was limited for about 6 weeks and I was helping her a lot especially the first 4 weeks. I think it's the first time (aside from the covid season) I have not been to a Jays game in at least 20 years.
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I only remember the slip-and-slide ads, which looked like a ton of fun. We have a splash pad that gets a decent amount of use, but it's not the same wildly fun time that a splash park is.
Hopefully your wife is back to full strength. It's no fun being laid up like that for a long time.
She is doing better but still some potential concerns so she has another ultrasound next week and then a follow up with her surgeon later in the month.
I guess the height of the slip and slide popularity was a bit before your formative years. It was really popular in the 80s when I was a kid.
Slip and slides were quite popular when I was a kid (which may or may not have been the 80's). We just didn't live in a place where people had lawns or where it got super hot in the summer.