wow, thank you for the article. Interesting how India is mercilessly playing up its swing state status, isn't it?
India is mercilessly playing up its swing state status, isn't it?
No, India isn't mercilessly playing. Rather, I would call it a compulsion of every country to look at India now. Russia needs India but USA needs India more. Actually, the world stage has changed rapidly in the last decade or so. The world that once neglected India for whatever reasons were, now slowly getting to know how important India is geographically, economically and politically.
The tag of a swing state should be given to USA who once supported Taliban, then declared a war against them and then again gave them back Afghanistan. The same happened in Iraq, the same happened in Venezuela, the same happened with Pakistan and I must tell you the same is happening with Ukraine!
Also, how USA supported Pakistan until 2000 wasn't hidden to anyone but then when pakistan needed them most, they did not help. Ultimately Pakistan is now sitting in the lap of China.
I agree all of that.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK 8 Sep
Yes, I get Your point. I just wanted to express how India is growing in its geopolitical power. Especially the Europeans don't overlook this big shift until now
I know you understand that but often words may sound differently to different ears. That's why I just made it clear. Yes, Europeans have now realised it fully. Now, only now you gonna find packaged food printed 'Made in India' in EU malls and supermarkets. Before a few years, they didn't allow citing that we don't allow Indian food.
Different perspective