Let's say that the person doesn't know anything about bitcoin and much less about money. Well, there's no other option, he has to learn in a simple way what money is. How would you do it? By giving him a brief history of money from barter to fiat money. Up to this point he should already understand that money is a means of exchange, to obtain goods and pay for services. So he already knows what money is, but why bitcoin and not the dirty fiat? There we would talk about how banks work, how they multiply money out of nothing (fractional reserve) and that this leads to more inflation compared to bitcoin which has a fixed emission. The truth is that there is a lot to start with, but knowing what money is is important.
I totally agree with you, my dear 🀝🀠 In my humble opinion, I would say that the first thing without a doubt is to learn and understand about money, and then from there start pulling the other threads.
Some eventually give up and accept this since they understandably feel stuck 😐
In my African community, FUD is having its effect!
Here in Cuba something similar happens, and it is normal for human beings to reject change and feel comfortable with what they know even if it is harmful to them.