Open the frozen pizza bay doors, Hal.
I saw one of those a few years back - at least 4 years ago - at...I think it was a Walmart. After that, I expected to see them everywhere within months, but no, I never saw one again. Maybe they only run them at night.
We've had these at Stop and Shop stores for ages.
whaaa, is this really real???
I saw it with my own two eyes today. I could have touched it.
With the cheapness of little remote IP cameras these days (Sub $5 now with wifi nic) you'd think it would just be easier to build into shelves a couple or 5 cameras on each aisle that can look at the stock on the facing aisle constantly. They could double as security cams too.
So it begins...
“Watching John with the machine, it was suddenly so clear. The Terminator would never stop. It would never leave him. It would never let the Fritos run dry, never let the Kraft Mac and cheese expire, or get drunk and ring up his hot pockets twice, or say it was too busy to find the Mexican or kosher aisle for him. It would always be there. And it would die to restock the pre-cooked chicken pot pie for him. Of all the would-be grocers who came and went over the years, this thing, this machine was the only one that measured up.”
Sarah Conner, Terminator 2
What is that thing’s function?
It said on the side that it was checking for bare shelves to tell employees to restock. It also had a name, which I’m kicking myself for not remembering for my 2001 reference. C’est la vie
That’s all it does? It doesn’t clean or restock or do price checks? Man Kroger went for the great value brand robot.
At least it didn’t fall into a fountain.
That’s all it does? It doesn’t clean or restock or do price checks?
The robot is the manager. Brainless physical labor like restocking shelves is for the lowly humans.
Yup, it said right on the side “who” it was, complete with a name, and what its one responsibility is.
I got one of those keeping track of my fridge stock. You know, just in case.