I just got this from Swan: Fake Email Warning Don’t Withdraw to Coinbase Wallet Hi Siggy Dumoleguy,
We’ve received reports of a fake phishing email with the subject “Urgent Action Required: SEC Lawsuit.”
Please be advised: This email is not legitimate. There is no SEC lawsuit, and Swan has no affiliation with Coinbase Wallet. Swan will never ask you to withdraw your Bitcoin to any specific address.
Don’t download Coinbase Wallet. Don’t import the recovery phrase you’ve received in the email. Don’t withdraw Bitcoin to the address specified in the email you’ve received. WHAT DO TO NEXT
Ignore the phishing email. Report it as spam. Delete the email from your inbox. Stay Vigilant – How to Protect Yourself:
Always check the email address of the sender. Swan emails come from an email address ending with “@swanbitcoin.com.” Never move funds, Bitcoin or otherwise, at the direction of anyone other than yourself. Never add a wallet address to your account unless you created the wallet. Never share any security code received by text, email, or phone, with anyone for any reason. Never share your 12 or 24-word seed phrase, if a hacker has this they can take your Bitcoin. Always assume emails, texts, and phone calls asking for sensitive information or directing you to take urgent action are not genuine until proven otherwise. Contact companies only via officially listed email addresses and phone numbers. Thank you, Swan Security Team
P.S. Email addresses being targeted were likely obtained in 2022 during a wave of attacks against email communication vendors serving dozens of crypto and Bitcoin companies, including Swan.
Yeah, but how did the scammers get your email and know about your Swan account? Judging by Swan's follow up, there are many cases like yours. My money is on data breach at Swan. Self custody and anonymity is the way.
My account has been closed for around a year and a half. They still got my email.
My account is still active but I did not receive the initial email. I received email from swan warning about Coinbase wallet etc
I checked my junk folder and no phishing email pretending to be swan