SpaceX seems to have recently opened the floodgates for more of us homo sapiens to venture out of this world.
Have a look at this page on the SpaceX website. There, you'll find enticing videos, graphics, and teaser-texts encouraging you to book your flight and "Join A Mission."
According to the page, "Seats and on-orbit research opportunities available starting late 2024," and available destinations include Earth Orbit, the International Space Station, the Moon, and Mars.
Though I would love to go everywhere they offer, my destination of choice is the Moon. Visiting Luna has been a dream of mine since early childhood, and I'm not about to stop dreaming now.
If you click on the "JOIN A MISSION" button, you'll be taken to a simple application page. You must "CONFIRM" that you are not providing false or misleading information, but there is a subtle hint that slight deviations from reality COULD be overlooked under the right circumstances:
"Regardless of the information that you provide, SpaceX may still be able to work with you."
Hoping to inspire YOU to throw your space helmet into the ring, here's the example of my entry in a box provided for sharing a mission objective:
I'm a storyteller/poet who has been reading Science Fiction since the 1st grade. My all time favorite? "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" by Robert Heinlein. Walking on its surface—wearing a jaunty SpaceX suit—will fulfill a life-long dream. The experience is sure to inspire literary works that will in turn doubtlessly bless and inspire my fellow man. An inventor and engineer, I've also no doubt that participating in a lunar mission would inspire new concepts and devices of benefit to all mankind.
Yes, the Moon is my destination; it's real, it's distant but not so far away that I would have to abandon my family—literally, for YEARS—as would be the case were I to choose Mars. Besides, we can simply lift up our heads and see it. I look forward to lifting my head on its dusty surface and looking back at Earth.
Besides, the SpaceX spacesuits are really cool!
You can also submit a research proposal to do science in space:
"SpaceX is looking for exceptional science and research ideas that will enable life in space and on other planets."
While it's fairly evident (reading between the lines) that many/most of these "opportunities" come with a price tag for the ticket, I have to believe that—in order for SpaceX to ultimately reach their objectives—they will be recruiting some from among the flood of applicants that will no doubt apply through this web page.
As for me personally, Will anything come of this?
FYI, I also applied for "Dear Moon," (sadly, recently cancelled!) though I was soon passed up in the selection process. 😢
We shall see, but as the saying goes, "Nothing Ventured—Nothing Gained."
Let me know if I have any fellow dreamers out there?🤔🧐😆 And keep looking up.
I dream big, not those dreams. Elon is a scammer, sorry.
I try to ignore the man and just enjoy some of the results...
Who is behind it is important, no? I don't see an actual mars mission coming. I see a BIG ego. Thats just my take. I have no idea.
All the very best for your dreams! That's one big one. I don't mind if it evn comes by SpaceX.
Hey, Friend,
Thanks so much for your kind wishes!🙏🏻😆