Chapter II

The Second Basic Law

Cultural trends now fashionable in the West favor an egalitarian approach to life. People like to think of human beings as the output of a perfectly engineered mass production machine.
Geneticists and sociologists especially go out of their way to prove, with an impressive apparatus of scientific data and formulations that all men are naturally equal and if some are more equal than the others, this is attributable to nurture and not to nature.
I take an exception to this general view. It is my firm conviction, supported by years of observation and experimentation, that men are not equal, that some are stupid and others are not, and that the difference is determined by nature and not by cultural forces or factors. One is stupid in the same way one is red-haired; one belongs to the stupid set as one belongs to a blood group.
A stupid man is born a stupid man by an act of Providence.
Although convinced that fraction a of human beings are stupid and that they are so because of genetic traits, I am not a reactionary trying to reintroduce surreptitiously class or race discrimination. I firmly believe that stupidity is an indiscriminate privilege of all human groups and is uniformly distributed according to a constant proportion. This fact is scientifically expressed by the Second Basic Law which states that

The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.

In this regard, Nature seems indeed to have outdone herself. It is well known that Nature manages, rather mysteriously, to keep constant the relative frequency of certain natural phenomena. For instance, whether men proliferate at the Northern Pole or at the Equator, whether the matching couples are developed or underdeveloped, whether they are black, red, white or yellow the female to male ratio among the newly born is a constant, with a very slight prevalence of males. We do not know how Nature achieves this remarkable result but we know that in order to achieve it Nature must operate with large numbers. The most remarkable fact about the frequency of stupidity is that Nature succeeds in making this frequency equal to the probability a quite independently from the size of the group.
Thus one finds the same percentage of stupid people whether one is considering very large groups or one is dealing with very small ones. No other set of observable phenomena offers such striking proof of the powers of Nature.
The evidence that education has nothing to do with the probability was provided by experiments carried on in a large number of universities ail over the world. One may distinguish the composite population which constitutes a university in five major groups, namely the blue-collar workers, the white-collar employees, the students, the administrators and the professors.
Whenever I analyzed the blue-collar workers I found that the fraction o of them were stupid. As o's value was higher than I expected (First Law), paying my tribute to fashion I thought at first that segregation, poverty, lack of education were to be blamed. But moving up the social ladder I found that the same ratio was prevalent among the white-collar employees and among the students.
More impressive still were the results among the professors. Whether I considered a large university or a small college, a famous institution or an obscure one, I found that the same fraction o of the professors are stupid. So bewildered was I by the results, that I made a special point to extend my research to a specially selected group, to a real elite, the Nobel laureates. The result confirmed Nature's supreme powers: o fraction of the Nobel laureates are stupid.
This idea was hard to accept and digest but too many experimental results proved its fundamental veracity. The Second Basic Law is an iron law, and it does not admit exceptions. The Women's Liberation Movement will support the Second Basic Law as it shows that stupid individuals are proportionally as numerous among men as among women. The underdeveloped of the Third World will probably take solace at the Second Basic Law as they can find in it the pro of that after all the developed are not so developed. Whether the Second Basic Law is liked or not, however, its implications are frightening: the Law implies that whether you move in distinguished circles or you take refuge among the head-hunters of Polynesia, whether you lock yourself into a monastery or decide to spend the rest of your life in the company of beautiful and lascivious women, you always have to face the same percentage of stupid people - which percentage (in accordance with the First Law) will always surpass your expectations.

RECAP of Basic Law of Human stupidity:

  1. Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
  2. The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
First, stupidity as a behavior, being part of the personality, obviously has a genetic basis.
The saying goes that "like father, like son"
So, just as physical characteristics are inherited, character, the genetic basis of personality, is also inherited. The environment exerts influence on the personality of the individual, character traits manifest themselves in certain circumstances. Alcoholism as a psychiatric illness has a hereditary component, although the person, thanks to his environment, is far from the influence of factors that lead him to have alcoholic behavior, as soon as he comes into contact with alcohol, almost always, to not be absolute, he ends up with alcohol poisoning.
A stupid person, whenever he has the opportunity, will have stupid behavior, from what I understand in this chapter.
Regarding the second law, where proportionality is maintained regardless of group size. So if we use sex as an analogy for maintaining proportionality, it is men who transmit stupidity, it is men who provide sex.
Conceptually, from my point of view, being stupid is trying to have different results by always doing the same thing.
Thanks @DarthCoins for this piece of intelligent knowledge.
Genetics is more important than environment
Wait for the next ones. Is really funny.
Reading you reminded me of the stupidest of the stupid. Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela. He was born genetically stupid; but he was genetically modified to be the king of stupidity.
Venezuela has a border with Portugal, the only thing that separates them is the Atlantic Ocean.
The graphic representation of stupidity at its MAXIMUM EXPRESSION
Genetics 🧬 with mutation included, here nature surpassed itself in this particular.
Maduro is a bandit