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Different Forms of Law

Although it is suggested that the word LAW is an acronym for Land, Air, Water, meaning that truth, rights and ethics are universal within these realms, and those who break the law can run but can’t hide, the history of the word seems to suggest a different origin.
The first recorded use of a word meaning “law” dates back to the Proto-Indo-European word Leg-h, meaning to lie, or lay, which may have originated from Proto-Germanic word Laga meaning “that which is laid down.”
The Old Norse word Log referencing law, means “things laid down or fixed.” This transitioned to Old English Lagu, then Middle English, Lawe.
This would explain where the term “laying down the law” got its roots.
Today the law is a complex web of misdirection, deception and fraud, with the last 2500 years of human history becoming blurred to such an extent that it is almost impossible to tell where the jurisdiction of one form of law ends and another begins.
This is by design and has been done to hide the truth; No single person will even reach the bottom of it all.
The law today is fraught with many grey areas that cause disagreement and argument, however the following listed laws gives an elementary clear map.
The only "law" is the Natural law