I can't believe how much time has passed. I have so many personal stories from family and friends. Only one person I hardly knew sadly lost his life. The weekend before we had a christening party for my daughter. We had a caterer serve sandwiches. The worker who made the sandwiches for the party was working at the WTC restaurant Windows On The World serving breakfast that morning. I still think about him and his family. My cousin's husband and her two sons were NYPD and NYFD, but luckily they were not working that morning. They spent months at ground zero during the cleanup, though, and one has suffered health issues.
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God bless your family... I couldnt imagine being in or around the city at that time.
The first responders are so often forgotten about now. Tens of thousands of them have health issues esp. cancer issues and people just don't put two and two together. They would rather slam their fist in the ground and yell about the wars and everything else while they forget about the event and the fallout of the event.
I spent a lot of time in the twin towers. There was actually a civil court annex with a few courtrooms in there for a while. There were also many law offices. My father's cousin was a steel worker who worked building the towers for years. I remember talking to him about how scary it must have been working on buildings that tall. He said that when you go to work every day, the increase in height was so gradual that you don't notice it. I doubt that would be the case for me. I have a fear of heights.