Will it be related to the PoW for obtaining or creating that good or service?
This is related to basic economy: how you determine the price of product or service. Is about the time and materials used to produce 1 unit of that product.
For example, you are producing shoes. So you calculate (in sats only)
  • how much time it takes for you to produce that pair of shoes.
  • how much it cost you the materials
  • how much it cost you the maintenance during this time (housing, machinery, utilities etc)
  • how much you want to save, a % on top of all
You can calculate per hour for example so you can later apply this "cost per hour" to anything you do.
Then when is about to sell a product of service, just apply your price. Anything you put on top is your savings.
STOP thinking in fiat. Sats are just another unit of account, adapt to it or die. If you always go back to make the conversion in fiat you will get crazy and you will lose. START thinking in sats. If you do not know from where to start, maybe this site could help (sometimes is offline, but is good) https://www.pricedinbitcoin21.com/