This is a post to announce the start of a Geyser Fund to help support Nakawa, a Zambian village taking control of their destiny.
Bitcoin Nakawa Geyser Fund:
Nakawa - "The cow whose milk never ends"
"We, not I", corrected Silumba. I nodded while our discussion brought me to compensate for Western biases in my thinking. I felt included in the project. A sense of ownership came over me, helping me understand how empowering this feeling can be among individuals in a community…
I was preparing to cross the Kazangula border into Botswana; a shortcut that would take me to the Namibian border the same day. Just before crossing into Botswana, a homely sign caught my attention by the road side, "Nakawa Community Campsite".
(Eugene, Cynthia's brother, by the Nakawa Community Campsite road sign)
Cynthia and Silumba are a wife and husband duo taking initiative to create a better future for their community: "Nakawa". Nakawa consists of multiple villages in an area known as "Kazangula" in South-western Zambia. Cynthia and Silumba refer to themselves as "game-changers" given their will to push back against cyclical African issues.
Upon moving from town to their rural land in Nakawa, Cynthia and Silumba’s journey started when they noticed insufficient educational opportunities for Nakawa’s children. Taking action, they gathered their community to build a school near their home, employing individuals from Nakawa as first-time teachers. Despite limited income, Cynthia and Silumba have managed to bootstrap their initiative; often from the support of inspired friends and allies.
(Nakawa school)
(The kids in school)
I have become one such ally. Upon meeting Cynthia and Silumba, I quickly realised they are the real deal. After plenty of kilometres through Africa, it was intuitive to recognise the integrity in their grassroots effort. I camped at their site, and soon followed multiple thought-provoking stories and insights into African challenges and how we can work together to impact the future of Nakawa.
We started brainstorming ideas to leverage one of Nakawa’s key strengths: the traditional knowledge of their elders. It was a fascinating discussion revealing just how rich the land and people of Nakawa and Africa are, but how brainwashed and sabotaged the people have become due to the greed and influences of foreign interests and the domestically corrupt.
(Silumba by the school's road sign)
The Mongongo Nut
Our plan of action was soon clear: the Mongongo Nut grows abundantly in the area, the trees of which have proven resilient to persistent droughts. This nut has multiple uses, including dietary health benefits and agricultural uses (cooking oil, animal feed, food). By optimising the processing method, we can employ locals to supply the nut while we produce value-added Mongongo products. What Nakawa needs is a nut processing machine.
Goal #1: Mongongo Nut Processing Machine - USD $750 + shipping (appx. 1.3M sats)
Further goals: Upon completion of our first goal, this fund aims to support further projects in Nakawa.
Getting started
The idea may seem simple, but adapting with nature, instead of harvesting the trees for charcoal (a common local source of income), protects the environment, encourages traditional ecological knowledge preservation, and is a more sustainable and value-dense source of income for Nakawa. It’s a subtle, but empowering shift in their incentives to foster growth.
The Mongongo Nut is just one among a wealth of priceless pieces of wisdom I have learned from my time with Nakawa's elders. It has become evident that now it's just a matter of getting started.
(Cynthia and I in Nakawa)
Nakawa translates to "The cow whose milk never ends" - a fitting name for the potential of this community.
I will be documenting and posting updates and developments in Nakawa here on Stacker News, through my X account (, and through my Substack newsletter publication, Wandering w/ Purpose:
The full Bitcoin Nakawa post on Wandering w/ Purpose:
Nakawa Links:
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Looks like a good project.
Wow, thank you so much for your contribution. You've gotten us off to a great start!
Great initiative! Just left my small contribution. Keep us informed, please!
Will do, thank you!!
You know, I've been studiously avoiding sending sats to anyone, I'm just so broke at the moment that I can't really afford it. But I just couldn't help myself here. Great job. Keep it up. Will be following this
That means a lot, thank you. We're going to do whatever we can until we succeed.
As long as I keep getting Sats from this comment, they're all going back to you
awesome! will be happy to support you through what you share on SN
Thank you!
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 13 Sep
If I can suggest to keep some intermittent updates on the project, because that will help people see that their dinations have helped.. even in very small ways. I tend to see Geyser projects that I follow, if they update, I donate. It's educational to hear about a part of the world I seldom do and interesting to learn a little about what's going on.
Your feedback is much appreciated, thank you. I will be making sure to provide updates wherever possible.
Thank you for your service. Loved learning about the Mongongo tree too!
Bookmarked n left some sats. Will follow your journey with keen interest.
You're too kind. Thank you!
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 13 Sep
You all should be proud of yourselves. You're changing the world for the better.
Thank you for your kind words.
This is great and wonderful initiative.
Thanks for your support!