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This is music to my ears 👂
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Rather old speech showing that some people are/were awake, how many of them are still there and not replaced by fiat apologists at every level of politics/corporations?
we live in a world so drunk on Kensyian bullshit that a man speaking basic-level common sense is seen as some deranged lunatic ...
Exactly 🤌
Bitcoin is the solution, whether you believe it or not, it is the best solution we've got.
Bitcoin is money. Use it!
"They are broke because we have a system of fractional reserve banking"
I would love to see a world where we have no fractional reserve banking. Right now with the reserve requirement at 0% we have no reserve banking. Crazy!
I think bitcoiners need to be honest, that in the future on a bitcoin standard, there is risk of fractional reserving bitcoin. Rumors are Coinbase is doing it now.
I think education comes KEY here!
Always remember, "stupid people are everywhere."
wow, it's like a meme was ai-generated in 2013 style!
I didn't know anything about monetary theory and when they explained to me how fractional reserves work, there was nothing more to say, the banks work like a Ponzi scheme until they go bankrupt.
I love this speech, is so well explained.
best speech ever