I also feel like Might not be the right person to run my own node
Look I will explain you something.
You do not have to be very technical to run a LN node. Yes, in the early years it was quite crazy running a LN node, software wasn't so stable, quite complicated command line setup and debug, not so many solutions.
I've tested almost ALL LN solutions, nodes, wallets, apps etc from the beginning. Nowadays we have quite some good easy apps that makes your life easier. Yes are still complicated and sophisticated LN nodes, but you don't have to go down the rabbit hole with those.
That's why I start posting on SN guides, solutions, demos etc and stay here all days explaining to newbies how they should do it. Yes many consider me crazy but in the end they will remember my words. When Darth is talking about something, it means it is important.
Bitcoin knowledge is power.
Thank for you detailed response. When I set it up, I'm sure, I'm gonna need help. And who can be better than you? I mark your every word, so I'll bother you very soon. If it's easy, I'm gonna do it.