You should study more the history and what really means those events. The Gunpowder Day was in fact the preparations for Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, aka how they make disappear people and declare them dead. A precursor of modern slavery... you are declared a dead body (not a living man) so they can control you with a piece of paper named "govID"...
Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 Again, your ego dont let you see what my view is about that “mainstream” mask or character, it’s not about HIS story, think about why when famous activists wear his musk under the name of anonymous? What was or is Anonymous? It’s exactly what bitcoin is, a decentralized “mask” who can protest for whatever he understands but the purpose is the same in the final. Put the ego down because for sure we fight for the same purpose.
LOL "my ego"? Is not yours in fact? Your stubbornness in not wanting to see that you were deceived is amazing. Shows again how easy is to manipulate people, with just a symbol.
Thanks 😊 for this talk, you are completely right, cya