Bitcoin Maximalists 21.1%
Bitcoin affinity scammers 39.5%
Altcoin pumpers 26.3%
Nocoiner haters13.2%
38 votes \ poll ended
Couldn't vote twice so: Affinity scammers & shitcoin pumpers.
I couldn't disagree more: the bitcoin maximalists are the reason why the block size is so small and the fees are so high. Bitcoin would have taken over the world if it was just usable.
maximalists are the reason why the block size is so small and the fees are so high
There you have it. Count uninformed shitcoiners too. Go ahead and check the fees. Since SegWit, batching and LN took properly over, the on-chain fees are at minimum.
From the recent block:
Amount transacted 0.32105202BTC 6,989.94USD
Transaction fee 0.00000146BTC 0.03USD
We're fighting for small blocks because the most important thing is keeping Bitcoin as decentralised as possible - the smaller blocks, the less disk space, less CPU & RAM intensive, less bandwidth needed for a node to stay online.
Have you seen the node count of the large block forks? The Gigamegs one has about 20 because only large companies can afford to run one. Large blocks are the way if you don't care about decentralisation at all.
No matter if you've been around or not, read or listen The Blocksize War, please. You might be surprised about many small details that happened on both sides of the conflict.
I would also add unit bias. When Nocoiners first come in they always say “bitcoin is too expensive but xrp is cheap once it hits 20k I’ll be rich!” Then you get caught up in the fiat gains holding on to dogshit coins with forever Hopium
altcoin pumpers because people on the sidelines look at the space with skepticism, and dont know which coin to adopt. So they just stay on the fiat ship since its not sinking yet
Governments, so I suppose nocoiners in this poll.
Here in the UK for example we have a ban on Bitcoin-related financial products and ATMs. We have been hostile towards core devs due to bending the knee to Faketoshi. The fact that our new PM wants the UK to become a crypto hub is an absolute joke considering is forbidden from distributing Bitcoin Core to UK users.
Agree with everything except this: is forbidden from distributing Bitcoin Core to UK users
AFAIK, UK visitors are able to download the software. At the time of the faketoshi court case, Cobra went a bit overboard but reverted his decision and is currently blocking just a single PDF file - the white paper.
And even when people weren't able to access the software from for a brief moment, they were able to download it from other locations like, bitcoin github, etc.
I wouldn't blame the UK government for it, more like a single person, trying to abuse the system.
Unfortunately it is still blocked, at least for me... Attempting to download v22.0 from the website yields this message:
This software is presently not available for download in the UK, and download links will not work if you are located within the UK.
The software is accessable via other means, of course. And anyone planning to run a node is probably familiar with Github and VPNs anyway. That's what I did.
My gripe is moreso in the spirit of the thing. Censorship of benign software is immoral, no matter how easily that censorship is bypassed. Especially when done in the name of the most obvious conman in all of crypto (and that's saying something).
Unfortunately it is still blocked, at least for me...
Beg my pardon, I thought it was already resolved.
LOL who vote for "maximalists"? Are you fucking mad or a real shitcoiner?
Exhibit A ☝️
No option for the incumbents, private and State, who constantly prey on the fear, uncertainty and doubt of people in an inevitably futile attempt to save their own richly rewarded skins in the game?
Poor survey design, though I suspect the goal was to exculpate or incriminate some of the authors preferred candidates.
Listen up Jimmy, you have to understand Everything is going exactly as planned Bitcoin can't be stopped, slowed, or banned You say grande, I say grand