ok guys, so for first-world countries, where are we placing bets on what jobs will be most secure or as future-proof as possible?
we'll still have the financial and political elite class obvs, even in Lebanon you can see people with fat stacks and sports cars.
but what about the general middle class?
it seems like medical and dental are still 'safe', lawyers probably too. other than that, all i see is stuff about how tradesmen (builders, plumber etc) are making insane money (because they can't be outsourced to the 3rd world)
then content creates and OF girls, if your soul can hack it.
i remember when David Cameron was telling everyone to go to university so they could make all this money , but look whats happened to office workers now. they're shit for the most part, constant threat vectors, even the golden tech bros are under threat from AI
the richest of my friends at school is literally a self-employed barber, he failed all his exams and everyone thought he was going to be some loser and he's literally making more money than a doctor.
what a twist of fate.
but I'm also guessing that if everyone starts being a tradesperson, their income will fall based on supply and demand.
what do you think?
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Many people seem to think AI is going to take Jobs, but really AI is only going to offload Tasks.
A Task is not a Job. A Job has MANY tasks. Some people are paid to do tasks (uber drivers, gig work, etc.) Those people are ripe to be replaced by automation.
What if an AI can offload every task in your job? Well, then your job has been redefined to include new tasks (namely managing the fleet of AI that supercharges your job).
Who is going to manage these AI fleets? Likely technical people who can organize and think at a high-level about problems, but can also break those problems down into technical tasks and divvy them out. Also, you need a human in the loop that can catch an AI that is hallucinating and be the judge of quality of the output of the AI.
IMO, the jobs that include tasks like managing teams of people are among the jobs that are quickest to go. For example, non-technincal managers that manage technical people. Those technical people will become managers of AI fleets and the non-technical managers will be searching really hard for tasks to keep them busy and not get fired.
AI is very good at accomplishing easy/repeatable tasks, performing analysis, generating content, generally doing grunt work. All of the real life problem solving, creating thinking, and niche tasks are always going to be done by humans IMO. Supposedly AI is going to get way better and problem solving, but I think there's always going to be a gap in determining what's meaningful and finding truly new solutions.
The optimistic case for AI is that it's going to give all of us more brain space to think creatively and lean into the things that make us human.
Follow the market. Factors to consider: Trade skills, Timing, and Location/locality.