My first post in this Territory be:
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything that belongs to you.
Thomas Jefferson
I think that's worthy of a pin after you get some sats!
I think it’s safe to say this experiment is a success
This territory is not limited to political news or current events. People can write about legal theories and political philosophies.
I posted a question about civil asset forfeiture
Do you rent it or decided to go all in and buy it?
I am not generally a politics but I feel like this would be the best place online to get good information about what laws and politics should look like as opposed to how it is. Thank you for starting the conversation.
If Jefferson were alive today, he probably would have committed suicide. Maybe or maybe not.
Any forum named anything with politics is doomed to become a cesspool.
It's either boring with everyone having the same opinion. Or a war area with unhinged screaming at each other. Actual thoughtful debates with deep insides are very very hard to reach.
You raise a good point. Maybe you're right, but I've been on SN a while, and I have had a few respectful disagreements with people whose opinions I valued in other contexts, and I have often learned from the exchange and modified my own views.