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MINIMUM WAGE--------10882 Medical-----------------------41456 1 kg Rice-----------------------3368 1 kg Chicken-----------------3596 1 kg Beans--------------------4560 30 Eggs-----------------------15546 1 Liter Oil----------------------4664 1 Cup Cheap Coffee---------78 1 kg Powdered Milk----15546 Bustelo Coffee------------10364
These prices may vary depending on the province, even the municipality where you are. They are according to Yadio.io today (9/15/24)
You can ask about other products or services..
Electricity depends on the expense. The more you spend the more you pay. If you have Split and electric kitchen utensils, you can end up spending around 20728 SAT.
I love how you adapt to SAT standard!
I think that way you understand it better. In the end everyone says "Bitcoin is volatile". Fiat currencies are more volatile and you go half crazy.