My dad used to hide it. Its funny, we always thought our dad would just have 1 cigarette a week. Then we found out what it was when we became teenagers and also found that he had a plant growing in the backyard. That ended up causing some trouble, but I won't go into that.
Now I'm a father its something I'll have to think about more as the kids get older. I don't smoke myself, but I don't know if demonizing pot is the right way (my wife thinks like this).
I think taking to them about it is good. But kids are smart And if you demonize it and tell them, never do that, many kids will want to try it. They are probably going to do it if they are going to. Not all kids, but many. So a balanced discussion seems best. My ex would completely disagree with me and agree with your wife so who knows. That's why I thought it would be an interesting discussion.